Mrs. Aisha Muhammadu Buhari is currently in Seoul, South Korea where she has just been decorated as Doctor of Humanity by Sun Moon University, South Korea. Making the announcement, the Nigerian first lady wrote, 'I was
honoured today with a Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration
(Honoris Causa) by Sun Moon University in Asan, South Korea. My
gratitude goes to the President of the University, Dr. Sun-Jo Hwang and
the University Council for this honour. I dedicate this honour to all
Nigerian women'. See more photos below...
1. Posts on this website contain traces of truth. 2. All articles on this website have sufficient truth. 3. The truth in our articles is nowhere to be found. 4. The prophecies in our articles are accidental. 6. I accidentally wrote 6 before 5. 5. Fiction, poor satire attempt and news parody. 7. lOl, Crazzzy