In a big tag team match announced ahead of the night, The Viking Raiders brought the fight to Xavier Woods and Big E until Samoa Joe attacked Woods.
The brawl that followed led to a six-man tag in which Joe made Kofi Kingston pass out, giving him and The Raiders the win.
This was a great showing for The Viking Raiders. They looked unstoppable in this match and worked well off of each member of The New Day. It would have been nice to give them a legitimate win, but that can come with time.
What mattered most was the team hanging with some of the best in the business. Erik and Ivar didn't just win, they also looked like they belonged next to the most popular trio in WWE. It is a wonder that they haven't had a real shot at the Raw Tag Team Championships.
Perhaps this is a hint that The Viking Raiders are going to utilize the Wild Card Rule to full effect. The SmackDown tag team division could use them in a top role right now.
It would be fascinating to watch what they could do with Daniel Bryan and Rowan even if Erik and Ivar are playing the heels at the moment.